No white Xmas for me...

The Xmas weekend went fast, just like every weekend does. Unfortunately the Xmas spirit was not really there, when you know that everyone back home is having a nice cold and white Xmas, it gets even harder to enjoy it. But I am very proud to say that I at least made Swedish Xmas dinner on the night of the 24th. I got to go home early, since I was the only one that celebrates Xmas on the 24th and not the 25th. I made "Jansons Frestelse", "prins korvar", eggs with homemade "skagen rora" and homemade meatballs. I also baked "Lusse bullar" and "Knack". Took me about 6 hours and even though I was a bit tired in the end, I did feel a bit more "Xmase" :) . And Carlos liked it a lot and I told him that next year he will get the whole Swedish Xmas table when we go to Sweden :)
Eggs with Jansons Frestelse Meatballs !!!
sausages :) Lussebullar :)
The Swedish Xmas dinner
On the 25th it was time to celebrate Xmas again, only this time the Australian way. We were all invited over to the Chief pilots house (by all, I mean everyone from work). We were about 14 people in the end and we had food for about 30 :P We had turkey, ham, different salads, Swedish food that I brought, cakes afterwards. Then we just hung out in the garden, I spend most of the afternoon in the pool, so those of you who are home in the cold in Sweden can imagine how far from Xmas it felt, but it was still lots of fun :)
But in the end, Xmas is just meant to be spent with the family, and if things go my way, I will be in Sweden for next Xmas :D I know you are probably not gonna agree with me on this one, but I hope it will be a white Xmas next year too...
Dave and Amber A part of the bunch at the Xmas party in Darwin Meeee
Nick, Wade, Andrew and Dave (all pilots) Everyone in the minibus on our way to the pub :) Oh deer...
Also, A HAPPY New Year to you all!!! I will see you again in the next year :)
*Kisses and Hugs*

Posted by: ☆ m a l i n .

Vad duktig du är, såg jättegott ut :) Lite "rød pølse" över prinskorvarna haha!

Gott Nytt År på dig, stor kram!!

2010-12-30 @ 11:48:10
Posted by: Lisett

Du e så duktig! Så långt borta och så stark, kanske inte du känner nu, men det är du det är sant! Ja du, du har det bra och jag har det bra...trots det så behöver jag dig varje dag (du behöver mig också egentligen men du försöker överleva precis som jag:)!! Vill prata med dig i min riktiga säng och tjata om SAKER ju!

Förlåt vill inte göra dig upprörd:o)! Saknar dig bara! hoppas allt e bra!!! Love u!

2011-01-08 @ 20:43:04
Posted by: Nicki

Usch... syster... Du kanner mig allt for val, o vet att nu blev jag allt lite upprord over de du skrev... Men, jag e pa jobb, jag kan inte sta o va ledsen har... Ja, nog behover jag dig, de e en sak som e saker.

Egentligen e ju allt bra, om man ignorerar de faktum att jag e sa langt borta o saknar alla, o i allra hogsta grad DIG! Jag vet inte hur jag ska vanda o vrida pa de. Alskar dej!!!!

2011-01-09 @ 01:47:54

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