Xmas, already?

Hey everyone,
Yepp, I'm still alive and kicking over here. I know I have not been writing very often lately, but it is just because, like everybody else, I now have my everyday life and there is not much new going on. I could write and tell you every day about my long days at work and that is about it, most of the time. Getting up early and coming home late does not leave a lot of room for anything else.
The company has started planning our Christmas party, that will take place in Darwin in about 4 weeks. I still can not believe that it is already getting close to Christmas. But that seems to be the way it feels most years. The Christmas party plan is that we work like normal on Saturday the 11/12, at the end of the day we take one of the planes and fly in to Darwin. There they have booked hotel rooms for everyone, so after the party, we will stay in Darwin for the night. Then everyone who is working on the Sunday, will have to fly back in time for work :) Luckily, both Saturday and Sunday are my days off :D score! So I can get how ever drunk I feel like :P
me Carlos have had 2 friends visiting the last 2 days, and we went to Ubirr Rock with them yesterday. So I will get back to you with details and pictures from our little trip shortly. But now I have to get back to work :)
*Talk soon, xoxo*

Posted by: Lars

Jomen, jul runt hörnet. Snart är hemska november slut. Sen blir det nyår och strax efter det så är det ju redan sommar....

Eller? Önsketänkande kanske....


2010-11-16 @ 16:25:29
Posted by: Nicki

hehe... ja kanske liiite onsketankande dar... Men samtidigt, nar man tittar tillbaka sa kanns de oftast som att tiden gar sa fort... Ni far skicka mig lite glogg!!! Kraaaaam

2010-11-17 @ 00:48:45
URL: http://nickiinoz.blogg.se/
Posted by: Mamma

Va coolt att flyga till julfesten. (Vi fick åka buss). Känns verkligen skönt att veta att du får bli hur full som helst... men tänk på hur dåligt du mår dagen efter!

2010-11-24 @ 11:48:23
Posted by: Nicki

hahaha, ja har har vi lite hogre standard o tar flyget till julfesten :P Eller hur, de e val underbart att veta att i alla fall inte gar torstig har nere :D Men de e ratt mamma, jag ska forsoka halla en liten tanke i bakhuvudet sa jag inte fordarvar mig helt, att vara bakis e ju alltid lika hemskt... Har ni redan haft er julfest?

2010-11-25 @ 11:55:57
URL: http://nickiinoz.blogg.se/

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