Return trip to Darwin and civilisation....

Last night we got back from our weekend in Darwin, and today we are back at work for more 10 hour days (been here for about 8,5 hours now). Darwin was great, although I wish we had had a little more time, it went by way too fast.... Most of our time in Darwin was spend in petshops in and around the Darwin area. Because I had decided that I wanted a pet for my birthday, and so did Carlos for his (even though his birthday is not until the end of October). It was hard to decide what to get, and we spend a big part of both days deciding... But in the end we got 2 Gouldian Finches for me, which is a native Australian bird that is endangered in the wild. And 6 little fishies for Carlos, all Guppys. So getting our pets was the big highlight for the weekend.

My Gouldian Finches  My little boy:)  My little girl in the front and my little boy behind her  My birdies :D

The other highlight was experience room service for the first time of my life. We spend the night at the Crowne Plaza and just before we were gonna get ready for dinner we started watching a movie... And since we were tired after our very long week, we suddenly did not feel like going out anymore, so I had a look around and found the room service menu. I got the Chicken Ceasar salad and Carlos got the Crowne Plaza Sandwich, they were both really good. 

Room service :)  Taadaaa !

I am actually really glad that we celebrated my Birthday with dinner in bed instead of going out, different and so much more memorable :) So a weekend at a nice hotel, room service and two birds. Yepp, I do have a great boyfriend :D   

And just finishing with a few pictures from last week at work:)

Tired me getting to work at 6 am...   Sunrise at the airport   Carlos checking the fuel levels
Carlos checking the fuel levels around 6.30 am just as the sun was rising, and I dont officially start work until 7.30 so I thought: what better way to spend the morning then taking pictures :)

the inside of the airvan  The helicopter
Inside the Airvan...and... the helicopter.

*xo xo*

Posted by: Mamma

Med den hårfärgen förstår jag att folk tycker att du och Lisett är lika.

2010-09-08 @ 09:34:19
Posted by: mamma

Låter som en väldigt trevlig födelsedag. Har du lärt Carlos göra negerbullar? Har ni döpt dom nya familjemedlemmarna?

2010-09-08 @ 14:41:02
Posted by: Pappa

Såå fina fåglar. Grattis. Men du får skaffa lite mer grenar, pinnar, vattenkar etc till de nya familjemedlemmarna. Ser lite trist ut i buren. Själv åt vi frukostbuffe i går på ett hotell där vi känner kökschefen. Härligt. Men det var inte roligt att väga sig sen. Men er frukost ser mer ut att vara en normalstor (LITEN ;-)) frukost. Men är det inte pommes? Till frukost! Huuuuuu! :-) KRAM PAPPA

2010-09-08 @ 23:48:14
Posted by: Nicki

haha, ja:) lik syrran e jag, fast de e de ingen som vet har nere :P Ja de va en valdigt trevlig fodelsedag, jag har lart Carlos att gora negerbullar nu, sa nasta ar tanker jag inte gora dom sjalv :) Jag har annu inte dopt de nya familjemedlemmarna... Har lite svart for att bestamma mig, men de kommer!

De e inte bra med for mycket grenar i buren, de maste ha plats att flyga, de tycker om att flyga mellan pinnarna, men ska dekorera lite mer sa smaningom. De dar e inte var frukost pa bilderna, de e var middag, jag skrev ju att vi hade room service pa hotellet till middag, sa ja, de e pommes pa bilden, men de kan man ju ata till middag eller hur :)

2010-09-09 @ 02:24:54

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