Update !!!
Ok... I know, I haven't written in a week, sorry about that... You know how it is, sometimes you just don't find the time. But hey, better late then never.
I can't say that I have heaps to tell you about the week, the only thing that happened that was out of the ordinary, was that Carlos got an Aeromed call on Tuesday night. When the pilots get an Aeromed call it means that they have to get to the airport and put up the lights along the runway so that the plane coming to get the sick person can land. Then you have to wait around until they take off and collect all the lights again. So on Tuesday night Carlos got a call at 11pm. Since I am so very nice I got up and went with him, even though I could have stayed in bed... ;) But I just thought that that would be a bit mean... I would have taken pictures of the event if I could, but it was too dark, and my camera is not good enough for night pictures... It was quite an experience, but I hope I never have to do it again, because getting up for work the next day at 6am was not fun AT ALL...
This week I have spend a lot of time in the souvenir shop getting everything sorted. No one has touched that area for while, and there is lots and lots to be done. The boss is coming to visit again next week, so I have to make it look good until then :)
The weekend was pretty good, didn't do that much. As usual I went to the gym and the pool and enjoyed. I also went and did the weekly food shopping. And I have FINALLY started reading the Harry potter books again. I had read no 1, 2, 3 and gotten through half the 4th one twice, so now I am finally gone read the whole story :) Looking forward to finding out the ending :) (but for those of you who knows it, please don't tell me) :)
*xo xo*
About Harry Potter: The butler did it!
hahaha, did he now! Didn't I tell you, NOT to tell??? ;)