My adventurous assignment

My last assignment for CTI (Creating The Image) is working with a site somehow and sort of investigating and coming up with a good concept. My site is the Evandale Park which is a park with a lake to go swimming in and it is situated in the middle of everything, but it is still a very calm and beautiful place. I am working with the idea of a journey taking you from the chaotic surroundings of trafic, stress and noice, arriving at the calm lake, then playing with the idea of the water being another world taking you to an even calmer place. So last week I got a waterproof camera from one of Carlo's friends and went for a swim...

Posted by: Lisett

Coola bilder du! Det gjorde du bra! Kul att du e flitig på att uppdatera:) krammm

2011-05-24 @ 23:08:43
Posted by: Lisett

Coola bilder du! Det gjorde du bra! Kul att du e flitig på att uppdatera:) krammm

2011-05-24 @ 23:08:57
Posted by: Anonym

Häftigt med undervattenskamera!! Och coolt med en badsjö mitt i stan!! Kram

2011-05-29 @ 23:41:41
Posted by: dissertation

I have been visiting various blogs for my dissertation writing research. I have found your blog to be quite useful. Keep updating your blog with valuable information... Regards

2011-08-20 @ 05:24:05

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