4 weeks to go...

Hello lovely people :)
Hope everyone is enjoying autumn back home, you'll be happy to hear that we are now entering the storm period down hear, so my weather wont be as perfect as it usually is ;) Storm season is quite an experience. The other day we had a crazy rain and thunder storm. We also got a bit of hail and I am not talking about the kind we get back home... When it hails here its not little flakes coming from the sky, its huge things that sometimes can be the size of a golfball and can ruin your car for example, in other words not a very safe weather to go outside in.
Anyway, sorry to be a bit inconsistant with my writing, but you know how it is, life is a busy place to be ;) At the moment there is not that much to tell really, just 4 weeks left of this semester and I have got lots to do, the way it usually is at the end of the semester. So if I can just get myself motivated for the last few weeks, it should be all good :D Trying to stay positive and really believe that inspiration and motivation will come to me :)
I do have one exciting thing to tell you, which I have been keeping a secret now for a week, cause I did not want to jinx it. I am now a mum (bird mum that is)!!! My two birds have had eggs a couple of times, but the eggs havebeen infertile, but a week ago I started to hear some funny noises from their nest and when I looked inside I saw a little baby bird in there :D Sooo excited! I was scared that something would go wrong and that it might die, but the parents seem to be taking good care of it and its now about 8 days old:) Still have not managed to get a photo of it though :( But I will work on it...
Here comes a nice warming picture that I took at the beach this weekend though :)

Posted by: Lisett

Så roligt med fågelungen!! Men ja om man googlar/youtubar dom så ser de helt galna ut som bebisar. Ha de bra min gulleplutt!

2011-10-17 @ 05:52:55
Posted by: Pappa

Grattis mamma ;-) Där fick jag hicka för en kort sekund, mamma... Säker att bilden är från Australien? Ser ju ut att vara från Sandhammare, Ystad eller Näset. Lycka till med avslutningen av första året. Kram pappa

2011-10-17 @ 16:29:18
Posted by: mamma

Jag håller med föregående talare. Det skulle lika gärna kunna vara en strand i Skåne. jag fattar inte att terminen nästan är slut. Den måste väl vara kortare än "vårterminene"?

2011-10-17 @ 19:39:16
Posted by: Nicki

haha, ja syster, de e inga snygga ungar de dar... Men snart kommer fjadrarna o da blir dom lite travligare att titta pa :)

Nej, pappa de blir inte "riktiga" ungar an :P

Den dar bilden e definitivt fran Australien, tagen i Broadbeach, soder om Surfers Paradise... Men ja, den skulle kunna vara tagen i Skane :)

Ja du mor, terminen har gatt i raket fart, men den e precis lika lang som forra, enda skillnaden e att denna terminen har jag inga sluttentor, bara slut projekt, sa jag har inga prov under de 2 prov veckorna. Sa ja, pa satt o vis e min termin 2 veckor kortare, men precis samma antal skolveckor...

2011-10-17 @ 23:11:35
URL: http://nickiinoz.blogg.se/
Posted by: Alex

Hej Nicki:)!

Va kul med bebisfågeln:). Ja nu är det bara att kämpa på sista veckorna så får du vila när du kommer hit:). Det ska bli SUPERKUL:))!

Har du tid att prata lite i helgen?

Massa Kramar Alex

2011-10-20 @ 21:28:48
Posted by: Nicki

Hej lillebror!!! Va ju super langesen!!! Anda sen min fodelsedag, sa ja jag tycker definitivt vi ska passa in skype i helgen! sms nar de passar sa gor jag desamma :) Ja, jag e saaa himla glad over fagel bebisen, kan dock inte namnge de forran om 5 manader nar man kan se om de e en flicka eller pojke :P Ska bli skit kul att komma hem pa riktig jul!!! Kramar!

2011-10-21 @ 01:52:22
URL: http://nickiinoz.blogg.se/
Posted by: Petra

Haha, jag blev med rädd där för en stund att det var en "riktig" bebis =). Du kommer klara de sista vekorna alldels utmärkt! Bara kämpa på! Kram

2011-10-23 @ 19:33:06

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