My latest creation:)

Last week I had one of those urges to create, as you do sometimes :) So I did what I usually do, go on the computer, pick an image and start drawing. Here is the result.
I framed it and gave it to Carlos, so now its standing on his desk in his apartment :)
This latest week really feels like there is not too much to tell, just a regular week really. Had Uni all days except Thursday, been to the gym a couple of times, spend wednesday night til Friday morning in Brisbane, had a small quiz on Friday which I got 5/5 on :D and right now I'm spending a lovely and sunny Sunday in Brisbane. On today's to do list we have food shopping and washing for Carlos and then go and relax in the sun in the Botanical Gardens. I should really get some studying in too, which I will at some point :)

Posted by: ☆ m a l i n .

Wow!! Nu känner jag ju inte Carlos, men sjukt bra tecknat - och man ser DIREKT att det är du!!

2011-09-11 @ 15:21:09
Posted by: Petra

Vad fin den är gumman =)!

2011-09-12 @ 10:27:49
Posted by: Lowa

Ser riktigt bra ut =)

2011-10-05 @ 16:08:40

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