Back to life... Back to reality....

Hey guys!
So it's been a while... Which is what usually happens when I go home for a visit :)
I have had a few days back in Australia now and things are pretty much back to normal. The focus now is on getting a job and then a new place, I think one year with the parent-in-laws is enough, I have enjoyed living here, but it's just time...
My trip back from Sweden went great, the only little thing was that my bag somehow got lost at Amsterdam airport so it ended up arriving the day after me. Which was quite perfect I reckon, because that way I could get through costums way faster, because I had no bags and I didn't have to take care of my 27 kg bag, instead it got delivered to the doorstep the day after :D Sweeet!
The visit to Sweden (and Gran Canaria) was awesome... Catching up with friends and family is wonderful and always hard to leave behind when it's time to go. Experience a bit of winter was nice to, since I had not had winter for 3 years! On the day I arrived back it was 36 degrees, let me tell you, it was quite a chock when I steped through those arrival doors!
A few highlights from GC...
A few highlights from Sweden...
My new laptop bag is finished :) What do you think?

Posted by: ☆ m a l i n .

Det var superkul att träffa dig medan du var hemma!!! Lycka till med jobbsökande och boende och din nya superplan :) Det klarar du galant :) Kram!!

2012-01-14 @ 14:35:30
Posted by: petra

vad fin din datorväska blev =)!

Det lät faktiskt riktigt bra att få väskan levererad till dörren dagen efter, hehe. Speciellt när det va på hemresan där man har lite andra kläder att ta på sig så länge =).

Det va kul att ha dig här <3

Puss & kram

2012-01-15 @ 20:30:51
Posted by: Lisett

Väskan blev jättefin!! och ja det var verkligen skönt med väskan! Gött med 36 grader!!! många många kramar min pärla

2012-01-15 @ 22:29:12
Posted by: ☆ m a l i n .

Nicki, var håller du hus? :)

2012-01-30 @ 22:56:46

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