Mid-semester break!
There is a so called mid-semester break going on :) However, this "break" involves quite a bit of studying, at least if you want to keep up with the work...
I have managed to catch a bit of a could :( But nothing too bad.
Just before the break we got our first essay back, which was our history essay. And I am very glad to say it went well :) I got 12 out of 15 points, which if you change it into % is 80%, which gets you the next best grade, which is a 6.
The grade scale is:
0= fail (not attended)
1,5= fail (attended, but failed handing things in etc.)
3 = the worst grade you can get, like G-
4= pass (50%)
5=credit (65%)
6=destinction (75%)
7=high distinction (85%)
So for being my first ever academically correct essay in English I am very proud to have managed a high 6 :D This was only a 1500 word essay though, the next one is 2500 words, but hopefully I'll do good :)
Yesterday I went with Sarah to "the lake", mine and Sarahs spot from last year which is absolutely awesome! It's a lake just behind the center of Surfers, it's so close to civilization, and yet it is in a spot where it feels like your so far away. It's hidden away behind the art center and it's always very calm and barely any people there:)

12-hour modell
I have just spend my whole weekend preparing for the last project presentation before my mid-semester break. The project was to add some sort of structure to a site. So I created a outside workout area for the public. The biggest part of my project was the modell I decided to create. I spend about 12 hours on it... Here are a few images.

It is almost completely made out of cardboard. The most important ingredients in this project: PATIENCE... :)
Time to get the presentation done in a few hours...
Almost "half-time"
Time passes fast... so so fast... In a few weeks it's mid-semester break! How can half the semester already be gone?!?!?! But like I said, another few weeks... And those weeks are quite busy, one 30 % essay submission, one 35% presentation and one 25% project... Big stuff!!
Here are a few images from my "what it is to be human" project.
"Intelligent beings"

"Mankind as one with "Nature"