Having a break...
Today is my long day at Uni, finishing at 7 pm... I have half of all my classes on this day, plus 1-2 hour breaks inbetween all of them. So I thought since it now is 5.30pm, I needed a study-break before the last session. Next week we have our last lectures, the week after that is final presentations and the two weeks after that final examination... Getting hectic hectic hectic now! Working really hard with my CTI images, here comes a few more, let me know what you think :)
Before - - - - - -After

My adventurous assignment
My last assignment for CTI (Creating The Image) is working with a site somehow and sort of investigating and coming up with a good concept. My site is the Evandale Park which is a park with a lake to go swimming in and it is situated in the middle of everything, but it is still a very calm and beautiful place. I am working with the idea of a journey taking you from the chaotic surroundings of trafic, stress and noice, arriving at the calm lake, then playing with the idea of the water being another world taking you to an even calmer place. So last week I got a waterproof camera from one of Carlo's friends and went for a swim...

Finally, the last essay for this semester is done :)
The latest week has been pretty full on, assignments needing to get done and a 2500 word essay to get done... The essay has been taking up most of my time to be honest. This essay was for Architectural History where we got to choose a historcal building from a list and then research it and come up with our own essay question/ statement. I chose Piazza Dei Miracoli, which most of you probably know as "the leaning tower of Pisa", which is only one of the four buildings on this site. Anyway, this is not gonna become a history lesson, my point is I am FINALLY done with the essay and tomorrow I am submitting it :D One thing I can tick off my to do list :D Only 2 projects, 1 assignment, a visual diary and 2 end of semester tests left which will be finalised in the coming 5 weeks. And after that I am coming for a visit to Swedenland :D It is not quite official, since the ticket has not been paid for yet, but if things go according to plan I will be on Swedish soil on Monday the 27th of June and stay until Thursday the 21st of July. So people back home, make sure you have some available time !!!
Hmm..what else is new? The so called "winter" has arrived, all this means really is that the sun is a bit less predictable and that the nights and the mornings are a bit cold. Now I know, it is not cold as we know it in Sweden, its just the kind of cold where you prefer to wear socks and a hoody :) June is the coldest month in the Australien year and probably the only time Sweden is hotter than Australia.
Here is an image of my chosen site for my final assignment for the course "Creating the Image". Awsome place...

I know I have showed you this place before, but I just love this image :)
Another presentation done
We are now closing in on end of semester and lots of projects, essays and assignments are due. Yesterday I had a 20 minute presentation with my Global Environment group, about air pollution. I have to admit that I was a bit nervous, but still quite focused on the task. I had also been lucky when we were paired up into groups, because I ended up working with 2 girls who were just as devoted as me:) One from New York and one from South Africa, talk about an international team :)
After the presentation we had to wait for 5 minutes, because we were gonna get our grades straight away. So our teacher came over and she said: "your presentation was great, all of you presented really well and were engaged in the subject. However, I will have to give you half a marks deduction for going over time.......
so you get 14,5 out of 15 marking points."
We just sort of looked at eachother thinking "is this really how good we were" :P Such a relief to have it over and done with, and to get a good grade of course. :)
This week I have also managed to get another one of my "famous" UTI's, although it was a long time ago now. Anyway, the reason I am writing about is because when I got the antibiotics my first thought was: "is this really what's supposed to make me better?" And looking at the picture below; I am sure you understand why.

(Iam getting better though, so I guess they do work)
The break is over....
Why does breaks always fly by? Well... all I know is that they do... And then of course you always have that optimistic feeling before the break of how many things you're gonna get done during the break, and everything you feel like you need to catch up on, will get done... Yeah right, how many times does that actually happen? Not too many times for me at least. Not that I have heaps and heaps of catching up to do, but I had this vision that I would be ahead by now. Strangely though, the work does not get done by itself, who knew? :P But I am gonna spend my last day of the break studying, just to make me feel a bit better:)
Tomorrow it is time to get back to Uni and reality. Only another month of lectures, then 3 weeks of examination and then of to Sweden for a visit :D It has been said many times, but seriously, wow time passes fast!!!

My Vitruvian/Da Vinci man :)