Almost done now...
wow.... It has definitely been some intense work this week. But yesterday I finished and submitted one of my final projects, so that is one down and two to go... The next thing on the list is a project presentation due Monday at 10am. So I got my weekend cut out for me... Almost done now though!
One of the hardest things with starting a life so far away, is creating a full life. Yes, I have got Uni, my boyfriend, my classmates, but compared to the busy life I have always lead, my life down here is not nearly as busy. So on Tuesday this week I decided I needed to add something to my everyday life and I am now a member of Gold Coast Tennis and first practise was from 7pm to 8.30pm Tuesday night. I enjoyed it so much! I had forgotten what it was like to go to pracise and to start a different sport then badminton makes it even more interesting because there is so much to learn. And my background with badminton was quite obvious to my 3 coaches :) Hopefully it will be to my advantage, but I will just have to wait and see how it goes :) Super fun though!!
Here comes a rendering of my latest project

4 weeks to go...
Hello lovely people :)
Hope everyone is enjoying autumn back home, you'll be happy to hear that we are now entering the storm period down hear, so my weather wont be as perfect as it usually is ;) Storm season is quite an experience. The other day we had a crazy rain and thunder storm. We also got a bit of hail and I am not talking about the kind we get back home... When it hails here its not little flakes coming from the sky, its huge things that sometimes can be the size of a golfball and can ruin your car for example, in other words not a very safe weather to go outside in.
Anyway, sorry to be a bit inconsistant with my writing, but you know how it is, life is a busy place to be ;) At the moment there is not that much to tell really, just 4 weeks left of this semester and I have got lots to do, the way it usually is at the end of the semester. So if I can just get myself motivated for the last few weeks, it should be all good :D Trying to stay positive and really believe that inspiration and motivation will come to me :)
I do have one exciting thing to tell you, which I have been keeping a secret now for a week, cause I did not want to jinx it. I am now a mum (bird mum that is)!!! My two birds have had eggs a couple of times, but the eggs havebeen infertile, but a week ago I started to hear some funny noises from their nest and when I looked inside I saw a little baby bird in there :D Sooo excited! I was scared that something would go wrong and that it might die, but the parents seem to be taking good care of it and its now about 8 days old:) Still have not managed to get a photo of it though :( But I will work on it...
Here comes a nice warming picture that I took at the beach this weekend though :)

A "first time" moment.....
... Too bad it was not one of those good "first times"...
Last night I drove to Brisbane to stay the night at Carlos place. Since I was planning on going back in the morning I decided to drive up instead of taking the train like I usually do, as it is free to park during the night. I read the sign and it said that you had to pay between 9am - 7pm. So I happily took it easy when I woke up the next morning and left at the same time as Carlos was leaving for work... You can imagine the look on my face when I realized my car was not where I left it... Turned out there was another sign saying No stoping between 7am-9am that I missed...
The sign looked like this

So after realizing that the car had been towed away I called the police station to figure out where I needed to go to get it back. Then I called the towing company to get the adress, took a taxi that costed me 16 dollars, paid the guy 202 dollars to get the car, only to recieve an additional 100 dollar fine that needs to be paid within 28 days... Talk about an expensive mistake, but it is safe to say, I will NEVER make that mistake again and hopefully this story will be something I can laugh about later, not just yet though...
Except for that little fiasco things are good, only have another 4 weeks left of this semester and its gonna be quite busy weeks with 3 big design projects to finish, so I am about to get back to studying, want those projects to turn out really well as they are about 50% each, one project for each course...