All "good" things come to an end...
Ok, so now I have about 2 weeks left. I have been thinking back on my time here and it has been good. It has not been great, but it has not been bad either, it has been... good. But I would be lying if I said I am not happy to go. It has been a very different experience and I definitely never thought I would be able to call a national park my home, or that I would call myself a "flight controller". )Ha, it still makes me laugh sometimes!) So even though it has been tough at times to live in the middle of nowhere, it is safe to say that I will never forget it.
But now I am in the process of counting down. When you have 2 weeks left in a place, it is definitely time for count down :) It is time to prepare myself for another one of those huge changes, where pretty much every part of my life will change and at the moment I can not do much else then imagine what it will be like.
Just to give you an idea of my schedule, I will be arriving on the Gold Coast on the 8th of February. Six days later, on the 14th of February, I will start Uni. I will be going to Griffith University, Gold Coast campus and I will study "Bachelor of Environmental Design" (Architectural studies). Which is, as you might understand from the name, what you study to become an Architect. The first 2 weeks are orientation weeks and the real lectures do not start until the 28th of February. I will be staying at Carlos's mums place in the beginning, until I find my own place. Carlos is coming with me for a 3 week holiday and hopefully he can stay after that too, but we will have to wait and see. But that is pretty much all I know about the coming month and the rest I will just have to work out as it comes. But it really is exciting times and I can assure you, I will be writing and telling you all about it.
I also want to say Happy Birthday to the 2 best siblings in the world. Happy Birthday Lisett and Alex! I wish I could have been there!!!
Lots of love to you all.
I will write again soon :)
Welcome to two-thousand-and-eleven :D
It's been a while... But I am back, and NO, I have not drowned or floated away, I am still here :) I know all you hear about back home is the floods over here, but they are pretty far from where I am. It is pretty much like if I would here that there is a flood in Austria and call you back home to check if your ok. So no worries :)
Not that much its happening down here, just working, and tomorrow the new girl starts:) So I will be training here for the coming 3-4 weeks before it is time to go to the Gold Coast and get ready for Uni. So there is definitely some big and exciting changes coming up.
I thought I would show you a few pictures from New Years. We spend it in Darwin. It was me and about 9 pilots I think... Lots of fun :D
Talk soon...