Wiiie, one week off :D
On Friday I handed in the last project/analysis before a nice one week break :) The project was about analysing a famous house. I was analysing Glass House by Philip Johnson. Here are a few images I made of it.

The weekend has just been relaxing on the beach and trying to learn to surf... Its not the easiest thing to learn, but I'll get there, although it is a bit scary.
Last week I was at the beach in Surfers and this is a picture of yet another skyscraper going up... They just keep on coming!
This week will mostly be relaxing in Brisbane, but I'll probably fit in going to the beach and some studying of course.
Hopefully we'll go to our favorite caf'e too at some point, Shingle Inn :)
You know Summer is on its way when...
... you get sticky and hot just from walking from the car to Uni in the morning...
You know Summer is on its way when you get honked at or get a comment from a passing car 1-3 times while walking to Uni...
You know Summer is on its way when you rather buy a cold water then a coffee on your break...
You know Summer is on its way when the temperatures are starting to go above 25...
You know Summer is on its way when you realize that you only have 7 weeks left to the Summer holidays...
You know Summer is on its way when your wearing only a singlet and shorts, but wish you could wear less while in public :P
Yepp, you get the point, Summer is definitely on its way on this side of the planet, but me, I'm actually really really really hopeing for a white, cold, beautiful and proper Christmas back home :D
Today we had another physics quiz, which I think went pretty well, and next week I have 2 big submissions before enjoying my mid-semester break :)

My latest creation:)
Last week I had one of those urges to create, as you do sometimes :) So I did what I usually do, go on the computer, pick an image and start drawing. Here is the result.

I framed it and gave it to Carlos, so now its standing on his desk in his apartment :)
This latest week really feels like there is not too much to tell, just a regular week really. Had Uni all days except Thursday, been to the gym a couple of times, spend wednesday night til Friday morning in Brisbane, had a small quiz on Friday which I got 5/5 on :D and right now I'm spending a lovely and sunny Sunday in Brisbane. On today's to do list we have food shopping and washing for Carlos and then go and relax in the sun in the Botanical Gardens. I should really get some studying in too, which I will at some point :)
Highlights of the weekend :)
So this weekend was my birthday, and what a great one it was :)
It started with breakfast in bed and "Negerbullar" like its supposed to. Carlos had found the recipe and for the first time in his life made Negerbullar:) So a great start to the day.
Later on me and Carlos went for lunch in the city and then went shopping for my present. He had already got me a little something that was coming in the mail, but he wanted to get me something more. I really needed a watch so we went around and had a look at heaps of different ones. In the end I found my favorite which was a gold Armani watch that he got me :D I have never been much for expensive stuff, and this is definitely the most expensive watch I have ever had...But I love it, and I chose it because its a little bit different.
After shopping we took the train down to the Gold Coast and had dinner with Carlos parents and later on they sang for me and we had mudd cake.
I really could not have asked for a better birthday, enjoyed it soo much.
On the Sunday I we met up with Nicki and Nicole. Carlos and Nicki went surfing and me and Nicole went shopping and then went to my favorite cafe, Max Brenner, which specializes in chocolate :D We had chocolate fondue:D
After we got tired of shopping, or really when there were no more stores to go into :P We went down to the beach and met up with the boys. Nicki had brought a kite so we ran around on the beach flying the thing.
That was pretty much the highlights of the weekend. Today "the little something" that Carlos had send to the house got here. I got really surprised by the size of it and I got even more surprised when I opened it and saw that it was a guitar!!! I hadn't been able to bring my guitar from Sweden when I went for my visit last so he thought he would get me "just a simple one" so that I could have one in each place...
I have to say that this birthday I feel like a have gotten really spoiled, but I am appreciating it soo much... I guess that is the one day of the year you really should get spoiled :D
Lovely day in Carlos backyard... the Botanical Gardens
Yesterday was a lovely day in Brisbane. I started the day with a relaxing breakfast in bed and a bit of reading. Then I spend the afternoon in the Botanical Gardens reading and drawing. It was a lovely day and you could feel the summer heat really starting to come back. The Botanical Gardens are just sooo awesome.
I guess I have not officially told everyone that my Sweden trip is booked and that I will be back for a visit from the 30th of November until the 8th of January :D There, now its official :P
Another thing coming up, though a bit closer in time, is my birthday... Tomorrow I turn 24... Aaahhh, what did you say, 24?!?!?! Is there anyone else but me that feels like how the hell did I get here? I sort of feel like... hmmm... 20? Little tiny me can't possible be turning 24? It just does not make any sense... But somehow, here I am. I don't actually have a problem with the age in itself, getting older is just a part of life, and I love birthdays, but I don't think I will ever get used to how fast time passes.
Anyway, time to go study... Lots of love