It has been a busy week. We have basically just been trying to make the most out of each day. We have been to the beach a lot, Carlos has been surfing and I got out there and tried a few times:) It is sooo hard! I mean just to go for a swim is a challenge because of the currents! But I'll get used to it :)
So tomorrow is when it really begins... I have my first "real" day at Uni, my first lectures, now is when they start expecting things from you, so lets hope I can do it.
During last week I got to meet my classmates and see our facilities which was a lot of fun:) One of the coolest things was the 3D printer. You know those miniture buildings you sometimes see at a museum or something, they are PRINTED! So cool! It might sound silly, but at least I had no idea that that was how they make them, but it is and we have one of those printers for if you have a project or something :) Can't wait until I get to use it :)
Well guys, tomorrow is a big day, Uni starts, which obviously is the exciting part. But unfortunately tomorrow is also Carlos's last day:( After 3 weeks of holiday, it's time for him to go back to the Northern Territory:'( It's gonna be sad to see him go back, but hopefully it wont be for long.
Wish me luck for tomorrow :)
*xo xo*
The latest 2 days I have barely been home. I have been out and met some of Carlos's friends and then last night I finally went out with my Sarah :) It was lots of fun and it is meet up with old friends and to make some new ones.
I have also had Uni, eith iconnect, which was basicaly just getting to know you games with all the other international students. And then some more important stuff like "Financial Aid". Next week it is time for the School Orientation, so that is when I will actually meet my classmates and learn more about the program and have a look around the facilities. So it will be a very exciting week.
To my beautiful friend Malin:)
Thank you sooo much for the new blog design, you have done a great job!
I absolutely love it, thank you for all the time and effort you have put in to
make it look the way I wanted it to :)
I did say I was going to write yesterday. But since I first had Uni in the morning, then went with Nieve to get my school supplies, came home and cleaned the car in the afternoon and then finished the day off with a nice dinner in Broadbeach with Carlos, it was just a bit hard to find the time to write about it all :) So here I am writing it today.
The Uni start was easy, we just had a 3 hour session where they welcomed us to the country. I think I already knew about 95% of the things they told me. I mean it's good that they help everyone that is new in the country. But I didn't really need most of it. But it was still a nice day, got to meet some of the other international students, I got my student ID and I had a nice walk around campus. I have Uni 2 more days this week with the international students and then I have 2 days next week with the Environmental Design class and the week after that is when it really starts. :)
Carlos and me went to a nice restaurant close to the beach down in Broadbeach, which is just south of Surfers Paradise. We had a lovely Valentines evening with awesome food :)
My Valentines Rose :)
Alright, so tomorrow... Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow... Uni starts at 10 am and well, at the moment I'm all good, but sometimes I get really nervous thinking about it. But before I fell asleep yesterday I started thinking in a different way. Tomorrow is actually going to be the best day out of all my time at Uni. Tomorrow will be the one day when they expect nothing from you. They don't expect you to know anything, they don't even expect you to know where to go :) So everytime I feel the nervs coming on, I just think of that :)
These latest 2 days have been awesome (except for my worrying over nothing). Me and Carlos spend 5 hours at Harbour Town on Friday, which is a huge shopping centre with outlet stores :) I was actually surprised that Carlos managed to handle 5 hours, but he did good. Only difference between me and him was that afterwards he said he won't go shopping for ages now. And for all of you who know me, knows I will probably never get tired of shopping :)
Yesterday we drove down to Coolangatta and saw one of Carlos's mates and his girlfriend and we went to the beach. So nice to be in "normal" heat and be able to go to the beach. Not like the Northern Territory where any waterhole or even the sea is: "look but don't touch" unless you want to be eaten by a crocodile.
Alright, today I am going to clean the car and sort out the problems with it so I can use it to drive to Uni and then me and Carlos are going to see his dad. I will write tomorrow and let you know what my first day was like :)
Now we are on the Gold Coast and I have to say I am enjoying it incredibly much :D
We arrived yesterday morning at 5.20 in the morning and got picked up by Carlos mum Robyn and her husband Terry. We are staying in their house in Helensvale, which is in the north part of Gold Coast. We are living there at the moment with Robyn, Terry and the 2 dogs Gemma and Bayley. On the day we arrived I spend my day with Sarah, my lovely English friend whom I met the last time I was down here and we had an absolutely awesome day. We went for lunch and then we went shopping. I am quite proud of all the bargains I made:) 4 tops, 2 dresses, a bra and hair color :)
On Monday the Orientation Week starts and then the lectures start on the 28th of February. Exciting :)
Here comes a few pictures of my "new home" :)
Since I don’t have very long left in Jabiru, actually just got home from my last day at work :D So excited about all the upcoming changes!!! However, last week I did something that just had to be done before I left Kakadu National Park. I took the opportunity to go on a helicopter flight down to the waterfalls. The waterfalls are really the biggest attraction here in the wet, and I could not leave without actually seeing them. As they only flow during the wet season I had to wait until now. During the dry season all you have water-wise is a few billabongs and the wetlands. The waterfalls is basically just all the water that falls in the area during the wet season. But I had been told that it definitely was something I needed to see. And WOW, what a view! It was absolutely amazing! Definitely the best experience I have had while I have been in Kakadu, and the most memorable. And of course, I took heaps and heaps of pictures, here you have some of my favorites.

I think this is the perfect way to finish my story about my time in the NT. It has been a great experience and a challenge at times, and now a even bigger challenge is awaiting....
It’s not Christmas anymore, but I finally got my awesome Christmas present from my awesome boyfriend J. My new laptop arrived yesterday, and I absolutely love it!! It’s so great to have a laptop that actually reacts when I press a button :) My old one is more than 4 years old now and it was not very good to start with. So it was really needed and a great present just before Uni starts. I have been playing with it for hours now :) I think it is safe to say, that I will be more active on my blog from now on, because it is actually fun to sit on the computer now, and not frustrating like before. There was the forever ongoing battle between: should I get a PC or a Mac? In the end PC won this time, I got a Dell. And I have to say, so far, I am very happy with that decision.