Awesomeness :)
So I have now spend 3 days in my lovely home country and so far its been great :D Always keeping busy and this is actually the first time I'm having a few moments of quiet time.
On arrival we went for a lovley lunch at "the Alley" (haha, sounds funny in English, the name is much better in Swedish). But what a lovely lunch it was and the weather was absolutely amazing :D
I've so far spend most my time at the beach with different friends just doing my best to catch up with everyone. This has been affecting my sleep though :P So so busy to do stuff that sleep just sort of seems overrated :) But I'm sure I'll find some time to sleep and if not I guess I'll just have to sleep when I get back to Australia ;)
Done DOne and DONE :D
Aaaww, how awesome is the feeling when the last exam of the semester is finished and winter break is upon you and you wont have to think about another exam, assignment or essay for a whole month :D
The last exam that I have been worrying about soo much went really well. I was pretty lucky though, cause one of the things they provided was last years exam to practise. 1 Hour before the test I still had not used that resource, but during the last hour me and Peter focused on answering those and then it turned out that 5 out of the total 50 questions were taken straight from that exam. Plus the first 24 question were building recognision and I know I aced that :D The first 10 minutes was perusal time (just looking through the questions without writing) and straight away I knew I would be fine and now I'm finally relaxed and I am really looking forward to my trip, which feels awesome!!
The day before yesterday I went down to the beach with Sarah. took some nice pictures:)
Never seen the Australian Ocean sooo calm!

Almost there...
Sorry guys, I know its been a week... Its just lots and lots at the moment... Tomorrow I have my Global Environment exam and on Thursday I have my Architectural History exam, so there has been a lot of studying going on the altest week. But in one weeks time I will be somewhere up in the air on my way towards Sweden, which I am finally allowing myself to have a countdown to :) I have just had too much to focus on to actually allow myself to think too much about it, but I really can't wait :D
Thought I'd share some highlights from the gone week.
Went with Peter to IKEA, as he is moving the coming week he needed some good, quality Swedish stuff :) What better place to go to than IKEA?
Also, a very good "Swedish warm-up"
Last Friday I finished my Creating the Image course and they chose a few favorites from each studio group to be in an exhibition in the Architectural faculty, and my images got chosen :) Here are some of the stuff presented.
This Friday I decided to suprise my man with a nice candle dinner :) So we had "flygande Jacob" (without bananas, I know, not the real thing, but I just like it better that way), and then Cheesecake for dessert, mmmmm....
See you all SOOON.... xoxo
In Remembrance of....
I was gonna write about my CTI presentation since that is what I did this morning... But when I got home I found one of my lovely birds dead on the floor of the cage :'( He, Arcus, had been very quiet lately and we are pretty sure he was getting old but since we did not know how old he was when we got him, it is really hard to say. But he is gone.... And I miss him already... So this is in remembrance of Arcus, my beautiful little bird. I might only have known him for a short time but that makes no difference to me.
This is for you my little one...

Last night was on fire...
After studying ALL DAY yesterday a night out was well deserved. We went to Coolangatta for Teypaniaki (or how ever you spell it) with Chris and Jasmine and then we went out. On our way down to Cooli we saw the most amazing sunset. It was so pretty I made Carlos stop the car so I could get a few pictures:)
After the really really nice dinner we went to the bottle shop to buy something to drink before going to the pub. And what did I find in one of the fridges in the cider section if not REKORDERLIG skogsbars cider. I know it may seem like nothing, but when you are so far away from home and suddenly see something so familiar you get really excited, or at least I do :D
We had a lovely night with good friends and one of the guys I learned was an Architect, so I managed to get a bit of valuable inside information :)
Thought I better show you a few "highlights".

The amazing sunset
The weekend plans are carved in stone...
Today was the last class of the semester :) Feels pretty good, at the same time a bit scary, because now it is just the big presentations and end of semester exams left... Monday is the first presentation, which is in Introduction to Architecture. For this project we have to create a model in1:25 scale + present our design proposal on 4 A3 pages infront of the whole class for 15 minutes (60 students). You can imagine how much I am looking forward to this, or rather how much I am looking forward to AFTER it is done :D
So the weekend schedule reads: Friday evening - model creating, Saturday - model creating (cinema at 8pm to see new Xmen movie) and Sunday - create A3 presentation (providing that the model is done of course). So the two most important ingredients this weekend are: Creativity and Patience. :)
Wish me luck