Adventures day in Brissie :D
Yesterday was an awesome and very interesting day, spend in Brisbane. All the first year Architects went there for "Introduction to Architecture", to have a look at a couple of different buildings and visit two architectural firms.
We went to the Powerhouse, which used to be exactly that, but then when they stoped using it, instead of destroying it, they turned it into a performance center. Such a cool building, because they have kept so much of its history and its an awesome feeling to be inside.
After the Powerhouse we went into the city and visited APA (Architectural Practice Academy). Which is a architectural firm that only takes newly graduates. Every year they take 6 new graduates who stay for 2 years, so in total they are 12 Graduates there. Its a way of helping new architects getting into the industry.
After that interesting visit we went for a walk around CBD and looked at a couple of different buildings. One of the places we visited, and probably my favorite was the GOMA (Gallery of Modern Art). It was so much fun and very interesting, and FOR FREE :)
My two favorites from GOMA were The Michael Jackson room and the LEGO room. The MJ room was a totally black room with 16 screens. On the screens were 16 very different people all singing MJ songs. They had obviously been having MJ songs on really loud and they were all singing and some were dancing, but when you got to hear it, all you heard was these 16 people singing, without any music. It was a pretty cool and fun experience, to see how different people interpretate the same song.

When it came to the LEGO room, I just never wanted to leave. I spend most of the day with my Swedish friends Pontus and Peter, and they did not want to leave either, at one point we were considering missing the bus :)
It was a looooong table, with heaps and heaps of white lego, in the middle were all these buildings that different people had created and you could just sit down and start creating. I know my birthday are a few months away, but I really really would like some WHITE LEGO :D And a better camera would be good too :)

Last but not least we went to Hassel, whcih is a huge Architectural firm, actually thay have a bit of everything, they have architects, landscapers, interior designers, planners and urban designers. I would have ABSOLUTELY LOVED working there. They evey have a modelling room! A big room with just heaps of things to create your own modell :)

It's a hard life...
Life is hard sometimes... Especially when this is what you do between study sessions :)

First presentation...
So... The testing has started for real, had my first presentation for my first project yesterday and for the first time in my life I went up first. I have always been the one in the class that goes last, just because I don't like speaking in front of people (I know, hard to imagine:P). But I have realised that what gets me the most nervous is the waiting and me being able to thank about what to say and about what things that could possible go wrong... But no, I was the first one up there and I have to say I am pretty pleased with how it went. And strangely enough, I seem to get less nervous when it's in English then I was doing presentations in Swedish. I have no idea if it actually has to do with the language or if it's just me growing out of being nervous (if you can do that) or why it is, but it is fine by me :) The presentation was about our first project in "Introduction to Architecture" which was a Surf Lifesaving Memorial proposal. And so now I just have to finish my final submission and submit it of course:)
Don't know what else to tell you, it's mostly study study study over here. Have 2 essays to finish in the coming 2 and a half weeks and 2 new projects to work on...
Today I actually managed to give myself a break for like 3 hours and just relaxed in the sun by the pool, it's been a hot day so it's quite hard to focus anyway...
As I have promised to show some of my work, here are some pictures from our work on the human body :)

Wow, I need more time....
Ok, I really do wish I was better at writing more often, like every day or at least every other day. But to be honest, this degree is pretty intense and TIME CONSUMING. I wish a day had more then just 24 hours, so I could get more things done. But hey, all I can do is my best :)
Today we're having a debate and the subject is : is the environment really in a poor condition? And I'm on the team that's for. A bit daunting, being the first debate I've ever had in English, but I'm sure that as soon as we get started I'll find something to say, I usually do :P Next week I have to hold a 5 minute presentation about my Life Saving Monument. When I've finished the project I'll show you some pictures, as I know that there are a few of you that are quite interested about what we actually get to do in our classes.

Me, after a looong day at Uni...HOT and TIRED
Today I finally got a school bag :)
I was thinking about ordering another one over the internet, but then thinking about the fact that it would probably at least be another week or two before it would arrive, and that is IF they would actually send it... I decided it would be better to just go out and have a look around for one, it was a bit hard finding one with enough pockets and that could hold my laptop and books, as well as my design diaries and pens. But I am pretty happy with my choice :) I forgot to bring my laptop along, so I was a little bit worried that I wasn't gonna be able to fit it in there, but as soon as I got home I tried, and IT FITS :)

Long long Wednesdays...
I've just had my really long Wednesday at Uni. From 10am to 7pm. I know it's like a normal working day, but it's just different when you need to be alert and learn things. So far I have to say that even though getting into the studying thing again and getting all the new projects, essays and assignments is really daunting, I still really love it. The only one that is a bit tough is the Architectural History, but I guess I'll just have to put some extra work into that subject.
The one thing you DONT want after a long day is complications... I ordered a new bag for Uni about 3-4 weeks ago and it still has not arrived. So finally I got around to contacting them and after chatting to them for about 30 minutes I got them to refund the money, as they had not even send it yet. They kept on trying to make me just get a giftcard and order something else!!! Idiots, do you really think I am going to order from you again when you couldn't deliver the first time??? Annoying...
Well, tomorrow is a new day, I day off from Uni and there will be lots of studying going on, hours of drawing in one of my design diaries to be exact, but I will also be going on bag hunting. I REALLY need a proper bag that will fit all my textbooks and design diaries and laptop.
*xo xo*
Tadaa, my new paint kit :)
Hi guys :)
This is just gonna be a short one, because I should be studying right now :) But, I got my paint kit the other day and I just thought I had to show it to you. It's really pretty, and it has heaps of different kind of Acrylic paints and colour pencils, all inside a really neat wooden box. Carlos found it on the internet and it was really cheap, so I just had to get it. Plus I actually need it now for my projects, because as you can imagine, there is a lot of drawing involved when your studying to become an Architect ;)

First week and first challenges....
It's only Thursday, but the first week of Uni is done :) This week we don't have our studios and workshops, so it turned out to be a pretty short week. But we have now gotten our first assignment and project. It's very exciting and nice to go to every lecture and genuinely be interested in what they are telling you, not like it was in high school where you a lot of the time was thinking : what are they teaching me this for?
Here we have some pictures of "my new home" :)