Movie marathon in Darwin :)

On Saturday the chief pilot asked if me and Carlos would like to take one of the planes in to Darwin for its 100 hourly maintenance check. So on Saturday afternoon we flew from Jabiru to Darwin, which takes about an hour. We stayed at the Darwin Central Hotel (all paid for:). Since it was Carlos's birthday I told him that he got to choose what he wanted to do for the night and we would do it. So he chose a re-run of a favorite, room service dinner and some good movies. There was so many good movies that we ended up taking the 24 hour deal, where you can watch as many movies as you like. So we watched movies until 3am, slept until 6am then we had to get up to get to the bus that took us back out to Jabiru. It was fun, although after that I was so tired, I fell asleep 4 in the afternoon yesterday and didn't get up until it was time for work today :) Since we didn't pay for the hotel or the bus ride back, it was still a pretty cheap weekend. And now i'm back at work wondering, did I actually have a day off or was it just a dream? That's how fast it went... Aww well, only 6 days until the next one :)
Have to say that these long weeks are starting to get to me... But I'll just keep on working:)
Talk to you soon!
*missing you*


Sorry, I just realized I promised you pictures about a week ago... here comes a few.  :)
here we have all the animals :)
my 4 birds :) the birds again :) some of the fishis:) But it's a bit hard getting a good picture, they just didn't want to stay still :P
The birds seem a lot happier these days, they are singing and flying around a lot more. But I still have not decided what to name the 2 new ones...
our living room with our birds and fishes
This is how it looks in the living room now:) Both the birds and the fishes get some morning sun that they seem to enjoy.
Outside the airport terminal Our garden Unit number 5:)
The first picture is just outside the airport terminal, the second picture is are garden and the third on is our driveway.

soooooo gooooood....

I finally understand... The pieces have fallen into place... At last I realise what my dear sister meant when she said that I will not be able to put the book down...
Ladies and Gentlemen, you might not know what I am talking about, but I have just finished the last book of Harry Potter. I finally have the full story, and I finally understand why my sister has read them so many times and why she just can not put them down when she does. What an amazing story and WOW, how good is J. K. Rowling?! Just think what an imagination she must have to be able to creat such a awesome world! Anyways... I just had to get all my excitement out somehow :) And to all of you who have not read them, please DO :D 

A Zoo??? :P

It has been a while, this little girl has been keeping busy busy busy, working... The bosses has been out for another visit the latest few days and my one day off we spend mostly on the road, cause we drove the 3 hours to Darwin and back again. We had to go to Darwin since our fish tank sprung a leak a few weeks ago and we had to get a new one on the insurance. In the meantime the fish has been living in a big green bin:) But it has actually been good for them. Because the first time they had babies they all got eaten, but while they have been in the bin, all the plants have been floating around so the new babies have been able to hide. So we now have the 6 adult fishes that we bought from the beginning and about 30 babies :)
We also happened to buy another pair of Gouldian finches while we were up there, because the 2 we have just did not really seem that happy and to be honest they did not seem to like each other. But now there is a lot more energy and happiness in the cage :) Still have not decided names for the newcomers though, suggestions?
What else can I tell you... Life is good down here, the weather has started to change, you can feel that the wet season is coming closer and we have been getting a few storms lately. Which is quite nice because the temperature drops quite a bit :)
Anyways, I guess that is all that is new for now, I will come back shortly with pictures though of course. That is a promise.

Cleaning, washing and dusting... Everything will look shiny and new :)

The latest few days... Almost the latest week now, come to think of it, it's been very quiet at work, barely any flights. October and November are usually very quiet, since it's in between seasons. So we have all spend a lot of the extra time cleaning and getting the place sparkling :) I have been cleaning and dusting around the souvenir shop, which was REALLY needed, I have almost got it all done now:D The boys have been cleaning planes, cutting the lawn and the hedges, although they have not been too happy about it... it's not a fun job to do, especially in 38 degree heat... Well, let me rephrase... It's not a fun job to do, for them :) But I can't help laughing a littlebit at them when their outside sweating, and i can just stay inside with my beloved aircon. I have been doing a lot of cleaning and dusting and I have pretty much rearranged the whole store, so I'm not being lazy or anything, but I get to escape the heat:D
I did go outside and took some pictures of Wade and Andrew when they were cleaning one of the planes :)

Wade and Andrew washing one of the planes in 38 degree heat (and me laughing at them)

Just couldn't help myself, Wade just looked so funny in that cowboy hat, especially since I'm used to seeing him in his pilot uniform. Of course they turned the hose into a weapon, and my jeans did get pretty wet, but that's a price I was willing to pay (typical me) hihi :D

A visitor in the office...

Hey everyone...
Just thought I would give you a link to my video I just uploaded. This "little"(depending on how you see it) guy visited me early this morning when I was counting the till. Bet your pretty glad you don't find them big things in Sweden:)

Mister Cockroach


Swedish Pancake Sunday :)

On my very precious day off I decided we needed something nice for breakfast, so I made Swedish pancakes:) mmmm... Really nice!

Pancake breakfast :D

Most of the day off I just tried to relax, but then in the afternoon I managed to get myself over to the gym and the pool as usual and enjoy some sun and work out for a bit. It's the only time I can do it, so I'm trying to do it every day I have off.

You can see this sign on our way to work

I also wanted to show you this picture. it's a sign that you can see on the drive from Jabiru to the airport. I don't know about you guys, but it's the first time I have ever seen a sign like it... :)


50 hour weeks... turn into 60 hour weeks...

Today I had some changes in my everyday life... They decided that they don't need the casual pilot that was helping me out behind the counter, because we're now getting into the quiet time. It will be quiet until the wet season starts at the end of November/ beginning of December. So they asked me if I would consider working 6 days a week instead for a while... It is going to be tough, but hey, they need me and it means I can save even more money for when Uni starts in February. :) I'll try to still keep you guys updated though, after all, I update while I'm at work most of the time :)

*Lots of love to you all* 

Update !!!

Ok... I know, I haven't written in a week, sorry about that... You know how it is, sometimes you just don't find the time. But hey, better late then never.
I can't say that I have heaps to tell you about the week, the only thing that happened that was out of the ordinary, was that Carlos got an Aeromed call on Tuesday night. When the pilots get an Aeromed call it means that they have to get to the airport and put up the lights along the runway so that the plane coming to get the sick person can land. Then you have to wait around until they take off and collect all the lights again. So on Tuesday night Carlos got a call at 11pm. Since I am so very nice I got up and went with him, even though I could have stayed in bed... ;) But I just thought that that would be a bit mean... I would have taken pictures of the event if I could, but it was too dark, and my camera is not good enough for night pictures... It was quite an experience, but I hope I never have to do it again, because getting up for work the next day at 6am was not fun AT ALL...
This week I have spend a lot of time in the souvenir shop getting everything sorted. No one has touched that area for while, and there is lots and lots to be done. The boss is coming to visit again next week, so I have to make it look good until then :)

The weekend was pretty good, didn't do that much. As usual I went to the gym and the pool and enjoyed. I also went and did the weekly food shopping. And I have FINALLY started reading the Harry potter books again. I had read no 1, 2, 3 and gotten through half the 4th one twice, so now I am finally gone read the whole story :) Looking forward to finding out the ending :) (but for those of you who knows it, please don't tell me) :)

*xo xo*

The weekend came and went...

I'm back at work after 2 great days off, but as usuall, they went by way too fast... I think that's the way it is with the weekend all over the world, no matter what country your in :P I started Sunday with getting up early and dropping Carlos at work, then I cleaned the house to perfection :) The pool didn't open until 12 since it was Sunday. So after cleaning the house I had time to make a really nice lunch. A sandwish with an egg on the side and a home made sauce, mmmm...

mmmm... that was a really nice lunch :)
It was just as nice as it looks :)

Then I enjoyed the pool for 3 hours 
The big bird got thirsty and went for a drink by the pool :)
When I arrived I saw this little guy drinking out of the pool... :)

My plan after that was to wash the car, since we have been planning on doing that since we got here(I know we're a bit slow)... I went to the airport to get it done, but I ended up going flying with Carlos on his last flight of the day instead :) He asked if I wanted to come, and I was thinking: hmmmm, washing the car... or go flying... washing the car... or go flying... Yepp, flying it is :) I know, I have already showed you a lot of pictures from when I've gone flying, but I just have to show you a few more... :D

The Uranium Mine
The Uranium Mine

View from the airplane...  Arnhem land  Arnhem Land 

  More of Arnhem Land...
Arnhem Land

East Alligator River    East Alligator River  More East Alligator...

...and going...  and it keeps on going...  ...and going...
East Alligator River...

    Time to land...

Yesterday I decided to sleep in, so I didn't set an alarm and slept until 11.45, best sleep ever and sooo needed. After that I went to the gym, which I haven't done in 2 or 3 weeks, so it felt really good, but now I have to deal with being sore for like 5 days... Which is fine most of the time, except for when Carlos is poking me, because he thinks it's funny... And then of course, I spend another couple of hours in the sun by the pool, just enjoying not working for a change. I finished my weekend with washing the car... So now it's FINALLY clean :)

*xo xo*

Aria and Arcus

I don't have much to tell you about the latest few days. Been working from 7.30 to 17.00, some days 17.30. In the evenings we usually just relax, watch some tv, read our books, take care of our animals and have dinner of course. But one thing that I did yesterday was, deciding the names for my birds :) . I named the girl Aria and the Boy Arcus. I was looking at Latin names that has a meaning and found these 2 names. Aria means "a beautiful melody", which I chose because she is always active and "talks" a lot. Arcus means "rainbow", and I do not think I need to explain why I chose that name... :D

Arcus is the one to the left and Aria to the right. You can tell them apart by looking at the colour of their chest. The male always has a stronger colour, he is dark purple and she is light purple. Aren't they cute? :)
Tomorrow and Monday I will have my 2 days off all by myself. Because Carlos had to have Friday and Saturday off this week. Next time I write I will update you on all the fun stuff I did, all in my lonesome in fun and entertaining Jabiru :) Although I have not quite worked out what that will be yet...
*Kisses and hugs* 

Return trip to Darwin and civilisation....

Last night we got back from our weekend in Darwin, and today we are back at work for more 10 hour days (been here for about 8,5 hours now). Darwin was great, although I wish we had had a little more time, it went by way too fast.... Most of our time in Darwin was spend in petshops in and around the Darwin area. Because I had decided that I wanted a pet for my birthday, and so did Carlos for his (even though his birthday is not until the end of October). It was hard to decide what to get, and we spend a big part of both days deciding... But in the end we got 2 Gouldian Finches for me, which is a native Australian bird that is endangered in the wild. And 6 little fishies for Carlos, all Guppys. So getting our pets was the big highlight for the weekend.

My Gouldian Finches  My little boy:)  My little girl in the front and my little boy behind her  My birdies :D

The other highlight was experience room service for the first time of my life. We spend the night at the Crowne Plaza and just before we were gonna get ready for dinner we started watching a movie... And since we were tired after our very long week, we suddenly did not feel like going out anymore, so I had a look around and found the room service menu. I got the Chicken Ceasar salad and Carlos got the Crowne Plaza Sandwich, they were both really good. 

Room service :)  Taadaaa !

I am actually really glad that we celebrated my Birthday with dinner in bed instead of going out, different and so much more memorable :) So a weekend at a nice hotel, room service and two birds. Yepp, I do have a great boyfriend :D   

And just finishing with a few pictures from last week at work:)

Tired me getting to work at 6 am...   Sunrise at the airport   Carlos checking the fuel levels
Carlos checking the fuel levels around 6.30 am just as the sun was rising, and I dont officially start work until 7.30 so I thought: what better way to spend the morning then taking pictures :)

the inside of the airvan  The helicopter
Inside the Airvan...and... the helicopter.

*xo xo*

Me day...

So... Yesterday was my big day, my birthday :D Those who know me well, knows that I love birthdays, not just my own (even though that one is at the top of the list), but I think birthdays are fun, makes the day a little bit special. Unfortunately, we were working the whole day, so we could not celebrate it that much. I made my beloved Swedish cookies "Negerbullar" myself, because Carlos has not learnt how to make them yet (he will though). So I at least, followed the family traditon of having those cookies for your birthday, and I also brought them to work so everyone got to taste them (they liked them, what a surprise).
Since we did not get to celebrate properly on my birthday, we are going to Darwin on our days off instead. We are gonna stay at a nice hotel, go shopping, see the city a bit, go out and just enjoy civilisation for 2 days :D Definitely looking forward to that, and to choosing my birthday present.... hmmm... Got to think long and hard on that one, it is important to choose wisely. :)
I did not take any pictures yesterday, but I was looking at Carlos pictures and realised I never uploaded any of his pictures from last weekend. So here you have a few of those.

me...  mangarre walk

Bats....SOOO LOAD!

  so pretty...  Hello...

Peekaboo :)
Peekaboo :)

us :D
A nice little picture of us :)
And I forgot to say Thank You to everyone who wished my a Happy Birthday, but thank you so much, means a lot :) Talk again soon...
Lots of Love

Our second walk in Ubir

Our second walk started well. It was a really nice walk, not as much musqitoes as the first walk and not too hot and no flies... A lot of warning signs though...

   Here comes another warning...  Another warning...  Warnings everywhere....
My collection of warning signs :) Apparently crocodiles are dangerous... Who know?

Absolutely amazing nature.  Sweetie in front of a big rock  East Alligator River  It would be hard to find anything greener then this...

Still going along East Alligator River, just in a different spot.

Me in front of East Alligator River  Carlos in front of Alligator River

See... Here we are all happy, still not to hot or annoyed by the flies...

lucky I wasn't here when this one walked by.
Cool footprint, wish mine looked like that ;) (not really)

Rock formations  Rocks  Doesn't even look real, like from an old movie or something.
I really loved the rock formations, and they were easy to climb too, which we of course did :)

hihi, How funny does that look?!
haha, where did that head come from?

                        can you see the bird?
The view over the river              A Cockatoo sitting at the top of a tree...

Carlos in the opening of a cave

A really cool looking dead tree
Love this picture, even though it's of a dead tree

hmmm...What is he doing???
hahaha, yeah, I know how this looks , that's why I took the picture :) hihi, sneaky..



It was after this point things got a bit too much, we had done about half of our second walk and we saw a sign for another walk, so we thought, why not. But that walk ended up taking a lot longer then we thought, it was a lot hoter and a lot more flies that were going around, around and around our heads... In the end I just wanted to scream and I did eventually. But now I am happy we did it. We ended up walking for about 6 hours, we were exhausted of, but we got heaps of good pictures and were kept entertained for most of the day :) And like always, the nature was absolutely amazing...

*xo xo*


Going bush walking in the Ubir area...

On our first day off we didn't do much, besides relaxing after a really long week. The one thing we did do, was to go to Bowali visitor centre and get information about heaps of different walks you can do around the park. So we picked out 2 of them for this weekend, but we are planning on go on all of them before we leave Kakadu.
Monday morning we got up at 6am to get an early start, we figured it would be a lot easier doing the walks when it's not 35 degrees. We drove for about 30 minutes to get to Ubir, where we went for our first walk, which took about an hour. It went along the East Alligator River, but no Alligators, just Crocodiles :) There are 3 Alligator Rivers in Kakadu National Park, East, West and South Alligator River. It was some explorer that went up the rivers ages ago, he thought that the animals in the water was Alligators, but they were infact Crocodiles. There is actually no Alligators in this area (not that it makes you feel any safer).

East Aligator River  East Alligator River  Croc....
East Alligator River from the first walk we did, and a little Croc trying to catch the morning sun.

Say cheese :)  Nice car, don't you think?
Carlos...         ...and our pretty car

Spike tree  Hurts! 
This spikey tree looked really cool, so I just had to get a picture of it. Looks like it is trying to keep everone and anyone away.
After this shorter walk we drove for about 5 minutes to get to where the second walk started, Which was supposed to be a 2 hour walk......... But.....

Views from above...

I thought it would be nice to give you a more detailed report about how it feels and what it looks like when you go for a flight in Kakadu:)
Some of the pictures are from when I went on a fixed wing flight and some from when I went on a helicopter flight.

The uranium mine from the air  Another part of the mine
The first thing you get to see is the Uranium Mine.

Views from above...  Views from above...  Arnhem Land

Views from above...   Views from above... 
These are pictures of Arnhem land.

From the heli 
Here is usually a big waterfall in the wet season

Me on the heli flight :)  The archway
A happy flyer :)      And the archway

East Alligator River  East Alligator River  The Wetlands  Flying over the wetlands
This is East Alligator River...                       ...and the Wetlands

 The airport from the air
The airport just before landing

Flying is a really good way to get a good view of the park and if you ever get a chance to go on one of these flight, do it! Helicopter flights can take you closer and fixed wing flights covers a bigger area. Do not make me choose a favourite... I will soon get back to you with a bunch of pictures from the adventures of the weekend.
*Lots of Love*

Brave or stupid???

I made, in my opinion, a brave move, colouring my hair black the other day...
An even braver move to let Carlos do it :P But here is the result.
Me in my brand new hair colour :)Not many girls would let their boyfriends colour their hair black, especailly when it's there first time colouring someones hair... But I have faith in him ;) And he did a pretty good job...
He did pretty ok :D

The first weeks in Jabiru

We arrived in jabiru on a Saturday night, on the Sunday afternoon we went to the airport to have a look and to meet everyone etc. The first thing they did was to put us on a flight so that we would see what kakadu Air flights are all about, that was pretty exciting, at least for me, who has never flown in anything smaller then 737 :) Carlos was not as excited :P It is a absloutely beautifull National Park, and to see it from the air was amazing.

After the flight I worked for a few hours just to start learning all the different tasks that lies under my responsibility, which is a fair few... From the beginning my role felt really daunting, it was just so many different parts to remember and the first couple of weeks were really hard and tiring. But I have to say that now, being on my 4th week here, it feels easy, because now I know everything and I have everything under control. :)

2 helicopters landing outside my window :)  me in my office (was having a quiet day, so i decided to play with the camera)
The office   The waiting area   The souvenir shop
The first week we had seperate days off work, I had Saturday and Sunday, and Carlos had Monday and Tuesday. So on my days off I went to the gym and to the pool, which is located just a 5 minute walk from our house. 35 degrees, not the best in a gym with no air-con , but really nice when your lying in the sun by the pool :)

The pool that is a 5 minute walk from our house:)  The surroundings by the pool area.

The gym  The view from the gym :) 

The highlight of the following week was definitely the 45 minute helcopter flight (without doors) that I went on. It was absolutely amazing. A very different experience compared to the fixed wing flights, although I loved both experiences. And this week (and from now on) they had given us the same days off, so we went bush walking and explored some of the incredible nature that this park has to offer.

From our walk, the nature around Jabiru  Carlos examining an old   close-up on the old   Spot the gecko .... 

  And here are the yellow flowers  This is how the

Last weeks highlight was when I went on my second fixed wing flight, only this time I went for an hour, sitting in the front seat while Carlos was flying :D That was a lot of fun, almost felt like a pilot myself..almost... :P

*Lots Of Love*

Our place :)

Thought I would put some pictures up of our place, since I have been getting questions about how we live....
The livingroom This is the kitchen...
This is the living room and the kitchen...
the other side of the bedroom our bedroom
...the bedroom...
This is the bathroom
...and the bathroom...
the SNAKE!!!
...and THIS, is our bedroom snake, who scared us 6 o'clock in the morning... Carlos put in a good effort to catch it, while I was watching on a safe distance :) He got it in the end and put it in a box and brought it to work, just to scare one of the pilots... and then he let it go :)

Getting here...

I will start with the trip, which was probably the longest trip I have ever done. I started at Copenhagen Airport and my goal was Jabiru in Kakadu National Park. It took me about 3 days....
I flew from Copenhagen to Bangkok, a flight that took about 10 hours. I arrived 6 in the morning and had 18 hours in Bangkok. Luckily I was aloud to leave the airport, so I went to the nice "little" shopping centre MBK, only 8 floors :) There, I had a 2 hour massage, had lunch and dinner at 2 different restaurants and went for some cheap shopping off course. Then I went back to the airport, had a shower, slept for 3 hours and then it was time for my next 10 hour flight to Perth. In Perth I only spend 4 hours and then had a 3 hour flight to get to Darwin, where I after 44 long hours got to see Carlos :D Which made it all worth it :D


Breakfast in Bangkok Sunrise before landing in Perth

We had hired a car so we could get around town, because we had to get a place to stay for the night. I arrived around 17.30 Friday night, so we did not have much time. And since there was a horse race on in Darwin, a lot of the places were booked out... So in the end, after checking about 7 places, we ended up in a hotel, a bit expensive, but a comfy bed to sleep in:)
On Saturday morning, at 9 o'clock, we had a meeting with our new bosses. Where we got all the paperwork and all the information we needed. Then we went and picked up our uniforms and started looking around for a cheap car (or a shit box, which Carlos calls it). We found a Hyundai Sonata for 1900dollars and then we dropped the rental at the airport, before driving 3 hours out into Kakadu National Park... Out into the unknown....
When we arrived, we had a problem getting a hold of the chief pilot, who had the keys to our unit. But we reached him after about an hour and got our keys and everything worked out :) Our unit is like what we would call a "mark lagenhet" in Sweden. It is one pretty big bedroom, an all right kitchen with a joint living room, a bathroom with washing machine and a quite big backyard. I like the place, all though, we do not spend much time here, since we are doing 10 hour days... But katching katching in the bank account :D



Views from the car, while driving through the National Park Views from the car, while driving through the National Park Views from the car, while driving through the National Park, (East Alligator River)


Driving through the National Park...  very straight road.... Sunset in Jabiru

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