Awesomeness :)
So I have now spend 3 days in my lovely home country and so far its been great :D Always keeping busy and this is actually the first time I'm having a few moments of quiet time.
On arrival we went for a lovley lunch at "the Alley" (haha, sounds funny in English, the name is much better in Swedish). But what a lovely lunch it was and the weather was absolutely amazing :D
I've so far spend most my time at the beach with different friends just doing my best to catch up with everyone. This has been affecting my sleep though :P So so busy to do stuff that sleep just sort of seems overrated :) But I'm sure I'll find some time to sleep and if not I guess I'll just have to sleep when I get back to Australia ;)
Posted by: Pappa
Välkommen hem nickedickan. Mycket trevliga bilder. Hemskt synd att jag inte är där bara. Men men så är det. Nästa gång...
Ha en fortsatt trevlig "hemma"semester.