Hmm.. Maybe I need a new routine???
Ok, to not write in like 3 weeks is being a bit too lazy I have to say... Was thinking that I should probably try to find myself a new routine, one where I include writing on the blog at least once a week... :)
Anyway, since I talked to you guys last the biggest thing that has been going on is that I FINALLY, after 2.5 years in this country, I HAVE A VISITER !!!! Which is so very exciting, to finally get to show someone form back home my life here :) Elin arrived last week and we have been keeping really busy. The first 2 days it was raining so I made an effort to take her to some of the awesome shopping centres around the Gold Coast... The only problem with that idea, is that if I TAKE her there, I obviously have to COME myself, which usually leads to shopping, which is not always the best, at least not for my wallet... :) Seriously, the next one we go to, I think I have to leave money and visa card at home :)
The latest 3 days we have had absolutely perfect weather and spend some time at the beach and some at the pool in the garden. I have also gone around and applied for jobs, as I have the goal of getting one... But it's a bit hard at the moment, because most companies are in the process of firing Christmas Holiday staff... But hey, all I need is one job, so I am sure I will find one soon...
Sarah and Elin on Collangatta Beach :) An absolutely amazing day on the beach... Though the only one not red after that day was Elin.... She was the only one that was good enough with the sunscreen.....
Posted by: ☆ m a l i n .
Åh vad kul med en besökare :) DÅ är du (nästan) ursäktad för att inte ha skrivit hihi.. Ser underbart ut på beachen!
Posted by: Lisett
Trevligt att läsa! Ser ju så sjukt gött ut på stranden! Här är det MASSOR med minusgrader men då får man också klart väder med strålande vintersol (som det i och för sig inte känns någon värme från överhuvudtaget men det blir så ljust och fint här)! Vi hörs pluttan!
Posted by: Store bror
Hej söstra min!
Måste du skriva på engelska, har så svårt att förstå... :)
I alla fall,
Trevligt att du har besök och de verkar som ni har trevligt, glädjer mig:)
De där med jobb löser sig ska du se, a girl with lots of talents:)
Kämpa på i solen så kämpar jag på med tågen i snön!
Massor av kramar och pussar
( WR är min signatur på jubb:) )